Friday 19 October 2012

The fixer - part 2

     I removed an earlier entry called 'The Fixer' about Jimmy Saville

    It was obviously written before the shocking revelations and like countless other people I immediately condemned him. I still do if what is alleged about him is proven to be true.

   However, I will use this space just to say that horrendous though the evidence seems to be stacking up (I write this in october 2012) the question I cannot help but ask, apart from the obvious one of why nobody did anything about his alleged exploits over four decades (what!!!), is why is it that he achieved so much in helping so many people when so many others failed?  Put another way, what kind of person does it take to get things to happen other than a Jimmy Saville because he was apparently 'unique'! 
      There is something in this that also reflects on society and society is made up of individuals like you and me.  I happen to know someone who's life was probably saved by Jimmy Saville over twenty years ago in his arranging an 'ambulance' service from Italy back to the UK. The person may have suffered dire consequences but for the initiative of Mr Saville where timing was crucial.
      There must be other examples of how people's lives had been changed in more than trivial ways? This is nothing to do with Jimmy Saville the alleged sex fiend but Jimmy Saville 'The Fixer' as he was known for decades. Are any of the journalist vultures asking any of the people's who's lives were fixed in a positive way what they feel right now? Difficult and awkward probably for them not to speak of the burden of shame now resting on his family, but our focus is to crucify. It is slightly alarming that we do this before evidence has actually been firmly established.

   Is it not possible to say yes these are terrible crimes but yes he also did good and raised millions of pounds? In the 21st Century are we not capable of dual thought?

There is also a sinister thread of hypocrisy running through the almost medaeival lynch mentality fevering the nation right now when domestic violence is at an all time high and we still have bankers who have ruined the lives of many.  

   My little understanding of Christianity (that is supposed to be our core religion in Britain) is that good can come from evil. To my simple mind I could imagine a conflict of God and the Devil fighting over the same will and agreeing to compromise and this evil and good can go alongside each other. The same energy of nuclear fission provides light and warmth and also kills. There is no light without shadow, no black without white, but plenty of shades of grey.