Tuesday 13 December 2011

Peer Group Pressure

    One thing I learned at a fairly young age is that peer group pressure can be limiting to positive outcomes and often paradoxically the weakest influence. Fortunately when I was young it was not the dominant almost obsessive force it seems to be today and one so entrenched in consumerism. 
    However, if David Cameron felt alone amongst 26 other nations it somewhat presumes the outcome of their coherence or fate. Time will tell and he may have seen the writings on the wall. I don't quite understand how he can be held responsible (by his deputy Nick Clegg) for a bad outcome when the will of France, Germany and others is to diminish the power of the City and that by setting our own rules we have a better chance of regulating that absolutely vital sector. Cameron could influence but not determine the outcome. What would others have brought away from the table and Labour would not declare its hand at all. We will become 'isolated' if we have nothing to sell but determining our own fate I sense is better and who knows we may pull together better as a nation and mobilise our remarkable resources without the increasing madness of European bureacracy. Human nature anywhere around the world is to look after its own first and that is what we are doing but the British always seem perverse. Clegg agreed to what Cameron was asking for at the Summit the week before! 
    I took the trouble today to watch BBC Parliament long enough to get a feel of its climate and thoroughly disagree with their BBC political commentator who later said on the Six O'Clock News that labours jeers at the absence of Nick Clegg dominated the session. Rubbish, if anything or anyone dominated it was Cameron who was extremely clear, firm and straight forward in his arguments and showed the kind of leadership we scream out for and that many in the House stood up and applauded. 
    Another surprise today from one of our other reverred institutions - the politically correct Guardian newspaper was the admission of the journalist Nick Davis that he may have got it wrong about the News of The World phonehackers deleting the Milly Dowler voicemails. Police intelligence eventually revealed the voicemail may have been automatically deleted the messages!! You mean nobody at the time considered that most telephone answering devices hold a limited number of messages before they are chronologically deleted? Interesting whether the weight of this small factual discrepancy is significant in the cause of the demise of the News of the World. But again, peer group pressure is the order of the day as everybody was at it and nobody pointed a finger at the millions of people who bought the newspapers that relayed information via phone hackings! 
   Britain has a little work to do on regaining its sense of greatness!

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