Monday 7 May 2012

Caesar's orgy

    Oh come on, don't be so prudish: 'Families were horrified to see more than 2000 (?) drunken Cambridge University students stripping off, vomitting and drinking themselves unconscious at a riotous (Caesarian Sunday) summer party in a public park. Some were seen acting out sexual positions, while male students chanted and ran around with their trousers round their ankles. Girls seen drinking port through condoms'. All in view of middle England families walking their innocent children in the park. 

   Yes, I recall my own student days at Shoreditch College in the Sixties and our inititation ceremonies - pelting freshers with flour bombs whilst they sat smartly dressed innocently posing for a college photograph and a handful of third year students dressing up as medics and staging a fake health check where freshers joined two queues with signs saying 'pass' and 'fail'. Fortunately I passed!
   Well that shocked you didn't it? I mean our sense of fun back in the Sixties was so tame and clean but for us as students at the time it was very funny to watch and even reminisce on now. Turn the clock forward fifty years and we have become so insensitised that we glorify these young cream of the crop intellectuals yet many of them will land up as lawyers and judges - the kind who sentence a young footballer to five years gaol for committing 'rape' on a drunken young woman. 
   Okay so I am the prude but don't listen to me, I am now an invisible citizen past his sell by date in this youth and sex obsessed hedonistic culture. But the fact is that only a week or two ago a very talented rising star young Welsh footballer was very severely dealt with over an issue that is becoming increasingly blurred and that is consential sex. Nobody in the press mention the responsibility of the rape victim and millions of other young women who parade with their knickers in full view totally drunken on our streets every Friday and Saturday night. Yet this footballer got five years in gaol totally wrecking his career. 
   There is something wrong somewhere not just the obvious fact that a female holds enormous power to accuse a man of sexual misconduct. I'm not saying he should not have gone to gaol, I wasn't in court to hear the facts but my gut instinct tells me perhaps a year would have taught him a lesson. His mates walked free yet they apparantly looked on and the girl wakes up in the morning not knowing where she was. Half the kids born in Britain in the Seventies were to young women who woke up at pop festivals in the morning, not knowing where they were after revelling the night away on cannabis! 
  We have lost the plot and I am concerned that even when these young often over indulged Cambridge undergraduates have settled down into conventional married life in a few years time and they are walking their children in the park they in turn may be shocked to see the latest Caesar's Summer initiation commiting acts of bestiality and probably worse. But who cares, it sells newspapers and is good material for the soaps! 

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