Sunday 10 June 2012

Which Commandment?

    Busking with my guitar late last evening I clashed with another street performer who does a 'Funny Walk' act in my home city reigning in a lot of people and also a lot of money every evening. When I say 'clash' I mean I had to stop playing my guitar to tourists sitting outside a cafe as this guy suddenly appeared to do his ten minute hilarious(?) jokes expecting to me to be brushed aside. I was actually there first! Dancing to my music was a Columbian guy I know who happens to be a devout Christian. He thought this other street entertainer was extremely rude (a view echoed later on by some of the cafe punters who spoke with us) to expect me to suddenly stop my guitar playing that they were enjoying.
     My friend then listened to the funny guy's jokes around the Abbey poking fun at the carved figure of Jesus Christ as being gay to which my friend was extremely offended and went up to the entertainer and told him he was being blasphemous and anti the Bible etcetera. I may not share my friend's fundamentalist views but I do respect his right to object to some cheap laugh a second offending his religion. This religion, actually, that is called Christianity has been the core religion of our nation historically and offers a humanistic code of behaviour that arguably, because it is now so fashionable to attack Christianity, is in demise and I believe is part of the breakdown in British society and certainly the abandonment of many decent values. As yet we have nothing better to replace it. No wonder the East call us decadent.  
    Curiously had this entertainer delivered his jokes in many Arab countries he would have been publicly stoned rather than rewarded. I don't go to Church anymore and have my own private views/uncertainties about whether there is a God or not but it is sad there is a lack of respect which clearly this street entertainer failed to have for a fellow street entertainer. I didn't actually mind stopping playing for ten minutes. The guy might have slipped me a fiver as a tip for the inconvenience but I guess the word 'greed' would have no currency with someone who mocks Christianity!  


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