Saturday 24 September 2011

E=Mc2 relatively?


   Scientists think they might have discovered something faster than light and so today we are told that Einstein was wrong. But was he? And if he was then it would follow that everything (and everybody) eventually is wrong and that nobody can be 'right' other than in a passing moment in the life of the Universe!
   Given that the evolution of knowledge and language occurs in a limited context in which theories can be 'proven', it is only a matter of time, as history has shown, that fact becomes modified or replaced. Flat Earthers become Round Earthers. The notion of Gravity has served us well until human experience discovers something that occurs outside the norm of Newton's falling apple and we have to call it something else. A young child perceives water in a puddle, as the human brain develops the concept expands to a pond and then an ocean and then some will understand heavy water.
   Einstein was surely right in his theory of Relativity. All truth is relative! What is constant (but not necessarily absolute) is that humankind since the beginning of civilization loves to prove and then disprove. But, as someone else commented: What has a neutrino got to do with my daughter getting up every morning and being late for school? If scientists are right we won't have to pay for speeding fines. 

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