Wednesday 26 October 2011

Dating site chat up line

What am I doing here - more to the point what are you doing here? Let's swap notes over a cup of coffee, not that awful Costa Starbucko sludge but real coffee with a punch of Nicaraguan Blue Mountain and a topping of cream and none of this 'have a nice day' Americano chill but a warm 'voila' as we sit playing a game of chess in some narrow cobbled street in Montmartre. Yes, I was there in 2009 playing a George Benson song 'This Masquerade' on my acoustic guitar with an awesome saxophonist friend on the steps of Sacre Coeur whilst foot ball jugglers silhuetted against the cityscape. Later that evening, roaming the streets below, we turned up uninvited at a jazz cafe and asked if we could play. 'Do you need paying?' the waitress asked with a doubting look. 'No, just a few drinks please' I replied and we entertained spontaneously, mingling with artists, writers and film directors, until we had to dash to get the last metro train back to our hotel. You couldn't plan such a thing although we just piled our instruments onto a Eurostar train and even had a jam in the bar on the way over. We chanced it and bluffed our way without the necessary busking/street performing permissions and got a sense that 'disobeir' goes hand in hand with 'bureacracy'. So, back to earth and back at home, what about that cup of coffee on this foggy autumn morning? Do you have a story to share? Reach beyond the 'glass is half full or half empty' cliches, switch off the Android, Apple, Blackberry and take a pause from your virtual reality friends. Step off the consumer conveyor belt, forget little Johnny needs a new mountain bike today. Remind yourself we are here for a brief flash in the history of the universe, a mere quirk in the quark. And does it really matter when all is turned to dust!      

Busking with Jim Cook at Sacre Coeur in 2009

London Underground with dancer Tanja in 2010

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