Friday 7 October 2011

One mans meat

   I remember during the Falklands war watching TV news images of British mothers in ecstacy over our boys machine gunning down young Argentians alongside images of Argentian mothers in utter anguish over the loss of their sons. How fickle and selfish human nature really is I thought and how did it all go wrong?
   In the news recently a convicted murderer is set free from an Italian gaol faced with the prospect of making millions of dollars from her story whilst the family of the murdered student continue to suffer and are a long way from closure.  Apparantly on the 'commercial' flight taking the American beauty back home the plane was full of media vultures wanting first slice of the inside story. How sick we are.
   We don't actually know who is guilty of the crime as beyond reasonable doubt is shrouded in clever technicality and we were all very quick to form opinions and make judgments the moment it became news and the media circus has also surely affected outcomes?  It is shallow human nature to condemn a convicted young woman of doing cartwheels in a Police station as being highly odd when some of our most famous serial killers have passed under the cloak of astounding normality and even held in public trust.
   We think we know everything and we dont know nothing! I hold out the belief that truth matters and that eventually it is revealed only to be misinterpreted!

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